My Wife Gets Leg Cramps

My brother Robert and I developed healing device based upon acoustic technology. The idea is to cloud the messages that the brain is transmitting through the nervous system to the affected bodily part and thereby release counterproductive habit patterns, and maybe, confuse the brain enough to forget the habit altogether. We do this by projecting a combination of sound waves through a speaker like device placed over the affected body part.

Non-Scientific Testing

We used Robert to test the device much in the same manner as one might use a electronic measuring device. Robert is a Buddhist Monk and has the equivalent of Ph.D. in this realm. During meditation he would observe internal reactions to the external stimulus generated by the device. It might be noted that in addition to the wave form provided here, certain Linda Rhonstat recordings were found to be nearly as effective - this is kind of like Ella Fitzgerald on the Memorex tape breaking the glass - so experiment.

I was testing the device on friends - Jeff put the device over his heart - he said "this does something" as he mistakenly pressed the format key on the computer erasing the entire appraisal database - he left abruptly.... later I found out that his heart was doing strange things - the moral of this story is that these subtle little noises do something - Jeff was ok, but, don't use it on your heart - we lost enthusiasm for the device (note that the heart comes with a built-in control system and operates more or less independently of the brain).

Since that time many years ago, my wife has been using the abandoned device in conjunction with bananas, me curling her toes-up and other home remedies for her severe early morning leg cramps.

Sound Waves

Here is the combination of sound waves forms we found effective for muscle related ailments:

Play wave file (3 sec.)


Some headphones work better than others. I found these at Walmart.



The headphones unfortunately produce a weak though adequate signal. For large legs, you can try ripping the speaker out of the hi-fi and using the amplified sound from the hi-fi. I have wrecked several hi-fi systems in my experimentation.

Using the Device

When a cramp commences, place the headphones directly on the cramp and press play. Try it.

This device also works for other muscle related ailments especially ones caused by trauma like - Whiplash, and can often release the underlying habit pattern. The less expensive tape players seem to work better than their more expensive counterparts.

Our Device

This is the applicator that we developed - it plugs into any walkman-like tape player - it's sound output is stronger than the headphones but weaker than hi-fi speakers. I have about 20 left. They are $50 each (tape included). Send me a check and i'll stuff one in an envelope to you. David T. Gray, 3104 Grandview St., Austin, TX 78705 Email David T. Gray

The Technology

This technology is called Cymatics and was pioneered by Dr. Peter Manners in Britan and though our understanding of the technology is slightly different, the end result is the same. There are a number machines on the market costing thousands of dollars that employ this technology. In Cymatics experiments by Chladni and Hans Jenny a metal plate or the wooden surface of a musical instrument is made to vibrate with sound of a particular frequency, resulting in areas of rest called nodes, and areas of motion called loops. If sand is initially spread evenly over the surface, it will tend to accumulate in the still areas and thus create delicate and complex mandala-like patterns.