John Gray Bookstore
by David Gray

New! The first book in John's Personal Success series.
How to Get What You Want and Want What You Have

The simplest thing to say and the most difficult thing to achieve, John addresses life's biggest challenges in his approachable, helpful style -- as he did for Oprah's staff.

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Whether you are young or old, embarking on a new relationship, or celebrating a 30-year anniversary, each life in love has its own challenges -- and rewards. To help understand the difficulties and appreciate the treasures, learn to identify the differences in love at every stage of a relationship at every age.

Do you ever feel misunderstood in your relationship? Does your partner ever seem completely different than the person you fell in love with? To learn more about the way men and women communicate and miscommunicate, start with
Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus

The classic bestseller -- which uncovers the secrets of great communication and how to get what you want in relationships all life long. Chosen by USA Today as the top selling book of the past five years.

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Eager to begin a healthy new relationship that will be lasting?
Mars and Venus on a Date

John will help you find the right person in the least amount of time, and show you the five stages of an intimate and lasting relationship.

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Mars and Venus on a Date, 1999 Calendar

365 Ways to find a loving and lasting relationship.

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Perhaps you've been burned by a bad relationship, or, worse, lost someone you dearly love. How do you begin again?
Mars and Venus Starting Over

A painful breakup, a divorce, or the death of a loved one can be an enormous challenge to bear. John helps you deal with the past as you embark on a new rich and fulfilling love life.

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Men, Women and Relationships

Sure it would be more fun to reject a lover who has disappointed you, but to grow one needs to heal and forgive past hurts and resentments, as well as learn how to communicate with the opposite sex more clearly.

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Once you have the relationship you desire, how do you maintain or increase your physical and emotional intimacy?
Mars and Venus in the Bedroom

Learn how to use solid relationship skills to keep the fires of passion burning--every day, every year-and achieve greater warmth and closeness.

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Do you know it all? Creating a relationship requires one set of skills, but maintaining a satisfying and rewarding long-term relationship requires still more.
Mars and Venus Together Forever

A newly revised edition of What Your Mother Couldn't Tell You & Your Father Didn't Know. As times have changed, the ways of relating that worked for our parents have fallen quite out of date. Today's relationships require new skills for lasting fulfillment. John reveals the secrets to great relationships in his "job descriptions" for the '90's.

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Mars and Venus in Love

Inspiring and heartfelt stories from enduring relationships that work and flourish.

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Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus Book of Days

365 daily insights that will strengthen your relationship and help you understand that love can flourish even where differences exist.

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The Mars and Venus Audio Collection

A comprehensive audio library that makes reading a shared experience. The collection contains one of each cassette, read by the author: Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus; What Your Mother Didn't Tell You and Your Father Didn't Know; and Mars and Venus in the Bedroom.

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What You Can Feel You Can Heal

The differences between men and women can lead to unnecessary conflicts. Here John helps you avert problems and heal you relationship after troubles.

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