Searcher (Legal Searcher)

"Everybody is looking for something." Do you burn-up lots of online time searching? If your not paying for it, that's great. If you are, download it, logoff, and save.

In my struggles with the I.R.S., my online costs were mounting. I started downloading. The biggest document was four megabytes. The I.R.S. always files things late and the Tax Court always forgives them. The same treatment may or may not apply to you and me. The problem of keeping track of the downloads was getting out-of-hand. My hard disk was a mess. Files were scattered all over the place. "Wouldn't it be nice" to find all the cases and search them for all occurrences of the phrase "out of time" and the word "denied" within twenty lines of each other.

Searcher (shareware) has gone through a number of stages in it's development. The latest version accomplishes this goal.

A writer in Italy uses it as a research tool for scanning HTML files. Genealogists use it to scan birth records. Roger's, always having problems with Windows' memory allocations, he uses it to assemble and search Windows readme files. Diana, uses it to maintain a directory of internet how-to manuals.

The free demo version is a fully-functional version which will expire after about 15 days.

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