Tax is Already Paid

In An Introduction to Taxation the author states ".... taxation is only one of several methods available to a government determined, for one reason or another, to divert wealth from the private to the public sector of the economy. Taxation, confiscation, and inflation are forced or compulsory methods of achieving that end; ....

If government prints one extra dollar, spends the dollar, that extra dollar is added to the existing monetary base. All other dollars are worth a little less, we call this process inflation.

When government prints the extra dollar, the extra dollar is taxed at the 100% rate, i.e. government gets the whole dollar instead of a portion of it. So tax has been paid on the extra dollar at the maximum rate.

See An Introduction to Taxation by Ray M. Sommerfeld, Hershel M. Anderson and Horace R. Brock (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc 1972), p. 10